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author: David Jones

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As we reflect on our 15th Anniversary, we asked colleagues and friends of the firm what they consider the best thing about CM Murray LLP. Thank you so much to Jonathan Grode, Wonu Sanda, Zulon Begum, Beth Hale, Clare Murray, David Jones, David Fisher, Sarah Chilton and Pooja Dasgupta for taking part! Happy Birthday CM Murray LLP! What’s Been Your Personal Highlight at the Firm?

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In the next video celebrating our 15th Anniversary, we asked some of our colleagues and friends of the firm what their personal highlights were. Here’s what they had to say. Thank you so much to our friends Corinne Staves and Rob Hind, as well as colleagues Clare Murray, Wonu Sanda, Sarah Chilton, David Jones, Beth Hale, Pooja Dasgupta, David Fisher and Zulon Begum for taking part in this […]

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Recently, CM Murray ran its first virtual internship programme. As part of the programme, we asked the interns, Kelys Malouda, Eleanor Connolly and Abigail Blanche, to summarise three recent cases heard by the UK’s Courts and Tribunals, which considered employment status, the knowledge test for inducing breach of post-termination restrictive covenants, and the territorial scope of UK employment and discrimination […]

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From internal policies to regulatory obligations to criminal law requirements, the range of compliance challenges faced by employers and employees today is extensive.  Having policies and procedures in place to address those challenges is crucial, but it is often not enough.  Compliance is best achieved when it is part of a firm’s culture.

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Handing Over Senior Management Functions in Times of Crisis

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