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We are delighted to share with you the recording of the recent webinar “New SRA Rules on Unfair Treatment and Challenging Behaviour – What Firms and Partners Need to Know”, in which our expert panel discuss the new SRA rules on unfair treatment and challenging behaviour. In this webinar, you can hear from guest speaker, Adam Tolley […]

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In the next episode of our regulatory podcast ReguLaw, Partner and Regulatory specialist, Andrew Pavlovic, and Associate, Naomi Latham are joined by David Hopkins of 39 Essex Chambers. David has a substantial professional discipline practice and regularly appears in the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, acting for both the SRA and respondents. Andrew, Naomi and David discuss the SRA’s changing approach to sanctions […]

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In the next episode of our regulatory podcast ReguLaw, Partner and Regulatory specialist, Andrew Pavlovic, and Associate, Naomi Latham discuss the increased scrutiny on lawyers in the last 12 months, both in relation to the type of work that they undertake and the clients they act for. In this episode, Andrew and Naomi discuss: SLAPPS – An overview of […]

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We are delighted to introduce our brand new regulatory podcast, ReguLaw, featuring our Partner and Regulatory specialist, Andrew Pavlovic, and our Associate, Naomi Latham. This episode will be the first in a series of podcasts where Andrew and Naomi will discuss key regulatory trends and hot topics which professional service firms and solicitors need to be aware  of. […]

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