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author: Emma Bartlett

This week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week, a global initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences, with the aim to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported. In this podcast, Partner Emma Bartlett speaks to Maisie Lockyer, Associate at leading Family law firm Burgess Mee, about how important adjustments are to ensuring neurodiverse clients […]

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We are delighted to introduce the sixth episode of our Women in Sport Podcast, where we discuss developments, initiatives, and issues relating to women in sports and the associated legal implications. In this episode, Partner Emma Bartlett and Trainee Solicitor Mitchell Blythe are joined by a special guest, Dee Bright, who is the Chair of SpursAbility, the Tottenham Hotspur Disabled Supports Association, to discuss the following:  […]

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What if an employer instructs you to help them fill a role with a specific kind of candidate – a woman, an ethnic or racial minority or someone who identifies as LGBTQ+? With research consistently showing that diversity produces more innovation and profit coupled with pressure from the rise in mandatory and voluntary diversity reporting, […]

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2024 looks set to bring with it a number of significant reforms in employment law. In this article, we outline key changes that will affect employers, and consider how employers can best prepare. Retained EU law Since 2020, the Government has sought to manage the thousands of EU laws that continued to apply in the […]

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January is a busy recruitment period, especially in the legal industry.  Research consistently shows that diverse teams tend to produce greater innovation, creativity and profits so it is no surprise that many firms enlist recruiters to help them build a more diverse team. Recruiters and firms should take care that the steps they take comply […]

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In our latest (interesting and non-Christmas themed) episode of The Lawdown, Partner Emma Bartlett and Senior Associate, Wonu Sanda discuss the following: The historical case of Justine Blainey, a teenager, who in the 1980s brought a successful sex discrimination claim in the Supreme Court of Canada, to strike out provisions in the Ontario HR Code which prohibited girls from playing sports […]

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Welcome to the next edition of Employment Law Matters, our quarterly update on key issues in employment law. Every three months, we will send you a selection of the most important developments for employers in case law and legislation, including practical takeaways for employers as well as things to look forward to in the coming months.   CM Murray LLP […]

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We are delighted to share the fifth episode of our Women in Sport Podcast, where we discuss developments, initiatives, and issues relating to women in sports and the associated legal implications. In this episode, Partner Emma Bartlett and Trainee Solicitor Mitchell Blythe are joined by a special guest, Sunday Times Grassroots Sportswoman of the Year 2020 and rugby […]

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We are delighted to share Episode 34 of The Lawdown, our regular podcast discussing the latest key employment, discrimination and partnership law-related news stories, and the interesting legal issues behind them! In our latest episode of The Lawdown, Partners Emma Bartlett and Beth Hale discuss the following: The Royal Kingston-upon-Thames Council has been ordered by the Employment Tribunal to pay £25,000 […]

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Following the 4th IFSEA International Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives & Founders in June 2023, we are delighted to share with you a follow up podcast on the session, ‘Board Pay: Heightened scrutiny of CEO and executive compensation’. In this podcast between the IFSEA annual conference panellists, this amazing panel discuss whether compensation increases are matched to […]

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