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When can a business prevent its former employees from approaching or dealing with its clients, and how far can an individual go before their actions amount to a breach of their obligations? In the second part of our new series on restrictive covenants and other forms of business protection, Partner David Fisher looks at the enforceability […]

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The aim of an independent investigation is to establish findings of fact. This often arises following allegations of serious misconduct, financial mismanagement, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, and regulatory breaches, but can also be initiated by an employer of its own volition where matters may give rise to serious concern. In our experience, having acted as investigators, […]

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On 23 April 2024, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced its final rule banning non-compete clauses across the United States of America (Final Rule). In a 3-2 decision, the FTC determined that non-compete clauses are an unfair method of competition and so violate s 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act). This is […]

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In this article, first published by Accountancy Daily, Managing Partner Clare Murray and Trainee Solicitor Rachael Parker discuss the challenges of unlawful age discrimination, retirement and succession planning faced by professional services firms. The issue of succession planning and the risk of unlawful age discrimination remains a persistent challenge in professional services, including accountancy and law firms. […]

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Despite Brexit and the rising cost of living in the UK, the number of non-UK nationals working in the UK has increased in 2023 and according to Labour Force Survey statistics published in May 2023, the total may be as many as 4.26 million. The number of work visas and skilled worker visas have both […]

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In this article, first published by The Law Society Gazette, Partners Corinne Staves and Andrew Pavlovic set out what law firms need to think about before rejecting clients on ethical grounds. Recently we have seen some members of the bar pledge that they will not act against peaceful climate activists or for new fossil fuel projects. They argue the climate […]

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Large global companies with specialist HR business partners and a well-developed relocation scheme, are familiar with the issues surrounding legal, payroll and tax that need to be considered in an international context. However, many smaller companies looking to expand into the UK and perhaps from the UK into European countries, often find the multiplicity of […]

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This article was first published in Law360 on March 24 2023. Since the launch late last year of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, there have been numerous articles asking whether it or other forms of artificial intelligence will replace the need for lawyers, or even put them out of business altogether. In response to this […]

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This article was first published on the Lockton website. A recent regulatory settlement agreement relating to an attempt by a solicitor to cover up a mistake is a useful reminder for law firms of the circumstances where negligence and regulatory misconduct can overlap, and when it may be appropriate for firms to consider self-reporting misconduct […]

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Zulon Begum, Partner, and non-contentious partnership law specialist, has authored a practice note for the Practical Law Company’s new Practice Compliance and Management resource hub. The practice note is essential reading for senior managers of law firms that are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) in England and Wales and who may be considering demerging or divesting parts of […]

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