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Cross-Border Executive Investigations: IFSEA Post-conference Podcast Recording

In this recording, Cross-Border Executive Investigations – risks, strategies and reputation management for executives involved in high profile, cross-border matters involving fraud, bribery and other alleged wrongdoing’, our expert panel highlight some of the key issues discussed at the recent 3rd IFSEA International Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives & Founders, on how senior executives can handle risks, develop effective strategies and manage their reputations in cross-border workplace investigations, at both the internal stage and following the involvement of external regulatory, criminal and other agencies. In particular, the panel discuss:

  • Vital first response steps to a notice of investigation and information gathering;
  • Obtaining specialist employment and white-collar crime legal representation;
  • The approach to co-operation and assistance, including the relevance of the senior executive’s status and the stage of the investigation;
  • Harnessing privacy rights to protect a senior executive’s reputation throughout the lifecycle of a high-profile investigation; and  
  • Legal and tactical considerations following the involvement of UK or US external regulatory or criminal bodies.

Watch the video above or listen to the podcast here.

We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this topic and thank our expert panel for their insightful contributions both during the live session and on this podcast:

If you have any questions regarding the issues raised in this podcast recording, please contact Senior Associate Wonu Sanda, who specialises in partnership and employment law. 

Find out more about the 3rd IFSEA International Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives & Founders