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SRA Workplace Culture Rules 12 months on: What are we seeing and what do recent cases tell us?

It has now been over 12 months since the SRA introduced rules into its Codes of Conduct relating to the treatment of colleagues. In this short video recording, our Managing Partner Clare Murray and Professional Discipline and Regulatory Partner Andrew Pavlovic:

  • Re-cap the rules and the reason for their introduction;
  • Consider how firms have sought to raise awareness of the new rules, through training and policies;
  • Highlight some of the questions and concerns that partners are raising in practice about the new rules;
  • Discuss the SRA’s current visits to firms with relationship managers and the anticipated further guidance/thematic review expected later in the year; and
  • Review 3 recent Tribunal Findings related to workplace culture and also to proximity to practice (Bhatia. Bretherton and Husain) and consider the implications for future cases.

If you have any questions arising from this video or would like to discuss further, please contact Managing Partner Clare Murray or Partner Andrew Pavlovic.


Early reflections on the new SRA rules on unfair treatment and challenging behaviour – What are we seeing so far? – Ten(ish) Minute Talk

The SRA Obligation to Challenge Behaviour – Who does it apply to and how can it be done in practice? – Ten-Minute Talk